Introduction: Globally, transgender populations are disproportionally impacted by HIV and effective HIV prevention interventions targeting these populations are critically needed. Such interventions require research focused on the specific needs and experiences of transgender people. This methodological review aims to determine the extent to which HIV prevention research has included transgender participants by subsuming them into non-transgender populations, or by centring them either in comparison with other groups or as the sole focus of research. Methods: We searched five electronic databases (e.g. SCOPUS) for empirical studies that focused on HIV prevention and included transgender participants, published through 31 December 2020. For each study, we extracted information on: (a) types of inclusion of transgender participants; (b) total sample size and number/percentage of transgender participants; (c) country(ies) where study was conducted; (d) HIV research topics; (e) methods (i.e. quantitative, qualitative or mixed-methods research) and (f) gender identity of transgender participants. Results and discussion: Of 667 HIV prevention studies included in the review, 38.5% subsumed transgender participants into cisgender populations (most frequently combining transgender women with cisgender men who have sex with men), 20.4% compared transgender and cisgender participants and 41.1% focused exclusively on transgender populations. Our global scoping review also revealed that these three types of transgender inclusion in HIV prevention research vary greatly over time, place and thematic areas. Transgender women are the focus of the majority of reviewed studies, whereas transgender men and gender expansive people are rarely included as participants. Conclusions: Inclusion of transgender persons as participants in HIV prevention research has significantly increased, particularly in the last decade. Further research centred on transgender participants and their experiences are needed to develop effective HIV prevention interventions for transgender populations. We advocate for HIV prevention research to move from subsuming transgender people, to trans-centred research that asks questions that focus on their specific needs and experiences. We provide recommendations to move from trans-subsumed to trans-centred HIV prevention research.