Energy management comprises of the planning, operation and control of both energy production and its demand. The wind energy availability is site-specific, time-dependent and nondispatchable. As the use of electricity is growing and conventional sources are depleting, the major renewable sources, like wind and photovoltaic (PV), have increased their share in the generation mix. The best possible resource utilization, having a track of load and renewable resource forecast, assures significant reduction of the net cost of the operation. Modular hybrid energy systems with some storage as back up near load center change the scenario of unidirectional power flow to bidirectional with the distributed generation. The performance of such systems can be enhanced by the accomplishment of advanced control schemes in a centralized system controller or distributed control. In gridconnected mode, these can support the grid to tackle power quality issues, which optimize the use of the renewable resource. The chapter aims to bring recent trends with changing requirements due to distributed generation (DG), summarizing the research works done in the last 10 years with some vision of future trends.Wind Solar Hybrid Renewable Energy System 2 if operated in a manner coincident with grid needs that respect storage limitations. These DGs have made the grid more resilient, efficient, environment-friendly, flexible, less vulnerable, easier to control, immune to issues at some other location, slow gradual capital investment, integrating to grid with minimal disturbance to existing loads during commencing. Participation of DERs in operation is profitable in respect of load shifting without grid up-gradation curtails peak demand, grid support by storage responding to demand thereby improving frequency response reducing spinning reserve. EVs and MGs can provide ancillary services. Under normal operation of the grid, varying capabilities of the DERs support voltage and reactive power whereas under fault voltage and frequency ride through capability is expected. Under such fault, the inverter must respond as per requirement. With the coordination of inverter-based resources in a group, it is possible that the DERs counteract to grid contingencies such as voltage and frequency deviations, and assist in fast recovery. So they are termed virtual inertia. But, at the same time, some issues are of concern and have drawn the attention of researchers. They are mainly due to stochastic nature such as load following, power vs. energy profile in storage, stability, reliability, cost, control architecture, autonomous control, power quality issues and grid interconnection. Considering these issues, in [2] the feasibility study, the unit commitment for reliable power supply and modeling of energy systems of PV, wind and diesel generator are focused. In the past decade, more significant development has taken place with various combinations of sources and storage. Optimization in all respect of wind energy for grid integration has been thoroughly reviewed [...