Abstract:The performance of each type of building must meet all the needs and requests of new real estate markets. In fact, in the excellent architectures, the user can manage, with autonomy and flexibility, each system and product, according to the new energy and building technologies too. The main objective is the social and environmental sustainability with the reduction of fossil fuels and the greenhouse gas effect, pushing the use of renewable energies, in a new trend of land regeneration with sustainable buildings and settlement recovery. The energy crisis, mainly generated by the climate change, the air pollution, with consequent extinction of the species, reduction of the land and the work, the degradation and the environmental and seismic risk, focuses on the security and quality of construction systems, integrated use of clean resources. The methodologies aimed at integrating of energy-efficient and innovative building technologies in architecture, from design to management, to produce electric and thermal energy with active and passive properties, for a high-performance habitat. Therefore, the use of solar photovoltaic in the buildings, BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaic) with high-performance glass vision, efficient systems, intelligent materials, is integrated in architectures with the use of innovative construction systems, finally, technology of OPV (Organic Photovoltaic), multi-junction cells, the dye sensitized solar cells in the solid state, etc., and adoption of storage systems.