Bayesian hierarchical spatio-temporal models are becoming increasingly important due to the increasing availability of space-time data in various domains. In this paper we develop a user friendly R package, spTDyn, for spatio-temporal modelling. It can be used to fit models with spatially varying and temporally dynamic coefficients. The former is used for modelling the spatially varying impact of explanatory variables on the response caused by spatial misalignment. This issue can arise when the covariates only vary over time, or when they are measured over a grid and hence do not match the locations of the response point-level data. The latter is to examine the temporally varying impact of explanatory variables in space-time data due, for example, to seasonality or other time-varying effects. The spTDyn package uses Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling written in C, which makes computations highly efficient, and the interface is written in R making these sophisticated modelling techniques easily accessible to statistical analysts. The models and software, and their advantages, are illustrated using temperature and ozone space-time data.