“…Detection of East Asian cytotoxinassociated antigen A by Western blot analysis with anti-East Asian CagA-specific antibody. Coomassiestained SDS-PAGE gel (lanes 1-4) and Western blot analysis with α-EAS Ab (lanes 5-8), antigenpreabsorbed α-EAS Ab (lanes 9-12), and α-CagA Ab (lanes[13][14][15][16]. SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis with α-EAS Ab was performed on lysates extracted from E. coli in which GST-Western CagA fusion protein (lanes1,5,9,13) or GST-East Asian CagA fusion protein (lanes 2, 6, 10, 14) had been induced, and lysates extracted from the Western cagA-positive H. pylori (lanes3,7,11,15) or East Asian cagA-positive H. pylori(lanes 4, 8, 12, 16).…”