AhstructThis paper describes Llic nicchanical design of tlic dowiistrcain beam tr;iiisport line for the second axis iil the Dud Axis l~aliographic Ilydrodynamic l e s t (1)ARHT 11) I'acility. The U A R H T I1 project i s a ciillaliiiration Iictwcci~ LANl., IANL aiid LLNL. I)ARI-II' 11 i s a 20-MeV, 2000-Ainpcres, 2-pscc linear iiiductiiin ;iccclcrator dcsigiied to geiicratc short bursts of x-rays lor the ~~u i~p i i s c IltltCd by ~~ of Bnergy by LI.NI., cniitriict W-'l4I)S-liN(i~4X. " Llgllel LZl allows fur il largcr Ilcalll pipc riitlius tlian tlie iiioic ciiiivciitiiiiial dilJOlC septum inagiict stiidicd earlier. 'l'liis iiicrcascs the ciicrgy acccpt~~~ee cif the transport liiic to the main heam clump.Altlioiigli dcsiralilc, we do not cxpcct to includc tlic "lhgc-iiiagnct" systcrii descrihed in the transport studies i n tlic Iicaml...