To suitably treat and cure special skin damage, the exertion of pressure on the injured limb is advised by therapists. This type of therapy is called pressure therapy. Currently, pressure therapy is performed with pressure garments on the tissue. In all pressure-garment applications, the amount of exerted pressure on the limb is very essential, and the success of treatment is extremely dependent on this pressure. Accordingly, the accurate prediction of exerted pressure is very important. Until now, in most related articles and researches, Laplace law has been used as the pressure predictor equation. In this study, the accuracy of Laplace law for two types of structures, elastic fabric and rubber, were investigated. The obtained results indicate that the measured pressure in all specimens was considerably more than that predicted by Laplace law. Therefore, the accuracy of Laplace law was proven to be inefficient for the prediction of pressure, and as such, more investigation is recommended.