Polyethylene sulfonate, an anionic polymer of average molecular weight (13,000)
Department of Medicine A, Roswell Park Memorial InstituteThe anionic polyelectrolyte polyethylene sulfonate, in the form of the sodium salt of polymeric ethylene sulfonic acid, has been shown by us to be an active inhibitor of seven transplanted solid tumors in mice. 103 ,105 Polyethylene sulfonate, of an average molecular weight of 13,000, has been reported to be a less potent anticoagulant than native heparin but to have similar lipolytic activity. 26,37,38,42,73 Like heparin, polyethylene sulfonate showed no bone marrow depression on chronic administration to animals but produced pathologic fracture as well as evidence of ulceration of the gastrointestinal tract.26 Earlier clinical study of its lipolytic activity in man was uneventful. 37, 38, 73 Because of its tumor-inhibiting activity in mice, a trial against advanced cancer in man was undertaken.