RESULTS Table 1 compares male and female mean scores for age, P I L a.nd C-Scales.Both male and female mean PIL Scores are lower than those for similar groups already reported'', z). Sex differences a t the .01 level were found for mean PIL, Anti-hedonism, and Religion-puritanism scores, in favour of males. Females had less purpose in life than males, but were more religious. They were also more anti-hedonistic and idealistic. Table 2 shows the product-moment intercorrelations of P I L scores with age and C-Scale scores.All significant correlations are at the .01 level. I n males purpose in life is related positively to Conservatism, Idealism, Anti-hedonism, and Religionpuritanism. For females purpose in life is related only to Idealism and Antihedonism.Further research is needed to determine whether Purpose in Life is related to social attitudes similarly in the normal population.
SUMMARYThe Purpose-in-Life Test (PIL) and Conservatism Scale (C-Scale) were administered to 84 male and 97 female psychiatric patients. For males purpose in life was related positively to Conservatism, Idealism, Anti-hedorksm, and Religionpuritanism, but only to Idealism and Anti-hedonism for females. REFERENCES 1. CnuMBAuGH, J. C. Cross validation of Purpose-in-Life Test based on Frankl's concepts. J. indiuid. Psychol., 1968, S4, 74-81. 2. CnuMBAuGH, J. c. and MAHOLICK, L. T. An experimental study in existentialism: The psychometric approach to Frankl's concept of noogenic neurosis.