Nervous systems adapt to the prevailing sensory environment, and the consequences of this adaptation can be observed in the responses of single neurons and in perception. Given the variety of timescales underlying events in the natural world, determining the temporal characteristics of adaptation is important to understanding how perception adjusts to its sensory environment. Previous work has shown that neural adaptation can occur on a timescale of milliseconds, but perceptual adaptation has generally been studied over relatively long timescales, typically on the order of seconds. This disparity raises important questions. Can perceptual adaptation be observed at brief, functionally relevant timescales? And if so, how do its properties relate to the rapid adaptation seen in cortical neurons? We address these questions in the context of visual motion processing, a perceptual modality characterized by rapid temporal dynamics. We demonstrate objectively that 25 ms of motion adaptation is sufficient to generate a motion aftereffect, an illusory sensation of movement experienced when a moving stimulus is replaced by a stationary pattern. This rapid adaptation occurs regardless of whether the adapting motion is perceived. In neurophysiological recordings from the middle temporal area of primate visual cortex, we find that brief motion adaptation evokes directionselective responses to subsequently presented stationary stimuli. A simple model shows that these neural responses can explain the consequences of rapid perceptual adaptation. Overall, we show that the motion aftereffect is not merely an intriguing perceptual illusion, but rather a reflection of rapid neural and perceptual processes that can occur essentially every time we experience motion.T he nervous system constantly adapts to the statistics of its sensory inputs, and such adaptation has important perceptual consequences (1, 2). Examples include the desensitization of the somatosensory system to constant stimuli (e.g., clothing) and the visual system's adjustments to prevailing light levels. Adaptation affects both neural activity during constant stimulation and neural responses to subsequent stimuli (1). Given the variety of timescales underlying events in the natural world, determining the temporal characteristics of adaptation is a key step in understanding sensory perception. Traditionally, perceptual adaptation is thought to occur over long time periods, with the adapting stimuli being presented for seconds or longer. Neurophysiological work, however, has shown that adaptation occurs at a variety of timescales and can be observed following stimulus exposures as brief as tens of milliseconds (1, 3-7). This rapid adaptation has strong implications for neural coding of sensory stimuli (5,6,8), which renders the relative lack of evidence about brief perceptual adaptation puzzling. Here we consider this question in the context of visual motion processing. Because of the highly dynamic nature of moving stimuli, rapid adaptation is potentially of great relev...