This paper describes research work on the performance and design calculations of recycled aggregate concrete filled steel tube (RACFST) members, especially the most recent developments in China. Firstly, experimental studies on RACFST members subjected to short-term static loading, long-term sustained loading and cyclic flexural loading are summarised and analysed, and recent advances in the behaviour of RACFST stub columns after exposure to high temperatures (300-8008C) are also reviewed. The experimental results show that, in general, RACFST members have similar performance to concrete filled steel tube (CFST) members when subjected to the same loading conditions. However, due to the more serious inherent defects of recycled aggregate concrete compared with normal concrete, RACFST members have a lower bearing capacity and stiffness than their CFST counterparts. Secondly, design formulae for RACFST members are suggested and the calculated bearing capacities using the simplified equations generally agree well with the experimental results. Finally, the potential research needs of RACFST structures are discussed.
NotationA c cross-sectional area of concrete A s cross-sectional area of steel A sc cross-sectional area of RACFST column D outside diameter of circular steel tube or width of square steel tube e load eccentricity f ck,r characteristic compressive strength of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) f cu,r cube compressive strength of RAC f scy,r strength factor f y yield strength of steel k T strength reduction factor considering the effect of maximum temperature L effective buckling length of member in the plane of bending M moment M u flexural capacity of RACFST beam M uc calculated flexural capacity of RACFST beam M ue experimental flexural capacity of RACFST beam N axial compressive load N 0 cross-sectional strength N E Euler critical force N u bearing capacity of RACFST column under concentric compression N uc calculated bearing capacity N ue experimental bearing capacity N ue,cfst bearing capacity of CFST specimens N ue,racfst bearing capacity of RACFST specimens N ue,w bearing capacity of specimens with long-term sustained loading N ue,wo bearing capacity of specimens without long-term sustained loading N u,T strength of RACFST stub columns after exposure to high temperature n long-term sustained load ratio n 0 axial compressive load ratio r unified recycled aggregate replacement ratio r c recycled coarse aggregate replacement ratio r f recycled fine aggregate replacement ratio T m maximum temperature t wall thickness of steel tube W sc section modulus of RACFST member AE steel ratio ª m flexural capacity factor ç 0 intermediate variable º slenderness ratio º o slenderness ratio limit for elastic-plastic buckling of RACFST member under concentric compression º p slenderness ratio limit for elastic buckling of RACFST member under concentric compression î r confinement factor r 0 intermediate variable ö stability factor 611