Goal setting has been described as one of the most valid and effective theories of wo!k motivation. In this study the authors report on the development of the Goal Setting Support Scale (GSSS), a self-report measure of supervisory support received, designed specifically for the goal-setting process. Supervisory support is identified as an important element of the goal-setting process, yet existing measures are criticized for being inadequate. To address this, the proposed scale is based conceptually on House's typology of social support. Based on the findings across four managerial samples ( N = 369), the measure evidenced favourable psychometric properties. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.Doelwitstelling is al as een van die mees geldige en effektiewe teoriee vir werksmotivering beskryf. In hierdie studie word die ontwikkeling van die doelwitondersteuningsskaal, 'n maatstaf vir selfverslaglewering vir toesighoudende ondersteuning wat ontvang word, en wat spesifiek vir die doelwitstellingproses ontwerp is, bespreek. Toesighoudende ondersteuning word as 'n belangrike element in die doelwitstellingproses ge'identifiseer, maar dit word nogtans as onvoldoende beskou. Om hierdie probleem aan te spreek, word die voorgestelde doelwitondersteuningsskaal konseptueel gebaseer op House se tipologie van sosiale ondersteuning. Bevindinge uit vier bestuurs-steekproewe ( N = 369), toon gunstig psigometriese eienskappe in hierdie studie. Teoretiese en praktiese impiikasies word bespreek.