Recent reviews in the fields of main group, [1] organometallic, [2] solid-state, [3] and organo ± phosphorus chemistry [4] have reflected the multidisciplinary interest in compounds containing phosphorus. While organo ± phosphorus ligands are ubiquitous in transition metal chemistry, the catenation of phosphorus atoms in organophosphanes and related polyphosphorus anions has drawn attention from inorganic and solid-state chemists. [1,3] The work of Scherer, Driess, Fenske, and others [2,5,6] concerning the studies of substituent-free phosphorus ± metal complexes, [7] is one example where studies have crossed these disciplinary lines. These disciplinary boundaries have been further eroded with the studies of phosphanide and phosphanediyl clusters reported by the research groups of Fenske [8±11] and Driess. [12±14] While these systems employ phosphorus atoms to link metals in complex clusters, we have targeted systems in which chains of phosphorus atoms act as metal-linking units. In targeting such systems we first sought a convenient route to organopolyphosphanes as previously known syntheses were arduous. [15,16] To this end, we developed a catalyst for the dehydrocoupling of primary phosphanes to organopolyphosphanes. [17] In a recent demonstration of such catalysis, we employed the catalyst precursor [(Cp* 2 ZrH 3 Li) 3 ] to produce the macrocyclic P 16 ring compound (C 6 H 4 P 2 ) 8 [Eq. (1)]. [18,19] Herein we report, the catalytical synthesis of the organotetraphosphane (PCH 2 CH 2 PH) 2 (1) and employ it to prepare the unique P 16 ± Al 12 compound, [{(PCH 2 CH 2 PAlMe 2 ) 2 } 4 ]4 [AlMe 3 ] 3. This species employs four P 4 chains to link eight aluminum centers, forming Al 2 P 3 rings in a unique macrocyclic structure comprised of solely main group elements (see Scheme 1).The quantitative catalytic dehydrocoupling of the primary bidentate phosphane PH 2 CH 2 CH 2 PH 2 , using the catalyst precursor [(Cp* 2 ZrH 3 Li) 3 ] proceeds smoothly at room temperature over a three day period to afford the colorless product 1. The 31 P{ 1 H} NMR spectrum of 1 consists of two resonances at d À 22.5 and À 65.4, each showing secondorder coupling. Simulation of the 31 P{ 1 H} NMR spectrum shows that it is consistent with an AA'BB' pattern with one and two bond P ± P coupling constants of À 237 Hz, À 186 Hz and 20 Hz respectively. This data is in good agreement to that reported for 1, previously prepared by Baudler et al. in 30 ± 55 % via two different reductive coupling strategies. [15,16] Recrystallization of 1 from hexane at À 35 8C afforded colorless X-ray quality crystals. An X-ray diffraction study of 1 confirmed the formulation as the product of the dehydrocoupling of two molecules of the starting diphosphane, that is (PCH 2 CH 2 PH) 2 (Figure 1). [20] This molecule Figure 1. ORTEP drawing of 1, thermal ellipsoids are set at the 50 % level. Carbon-bound hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity. .comprises two interlinked five-membered rings, in which one phosphorus atom of each of two diphosphane fragments forms PÀP b...