1499 sont les seules entre lesquelles n'existent que des liaisons hydrog6nes, c'est aussi selon le plan (001) que se produit un clivage tr6s facile, (iii) toutes les formes que nous avons observ6es sur ces cristaux, ~t savoir la bipyramide {111 }, le prisme {110} et les pinacoides {100}, {010}, {001), sont compos6es de faces F, (iv) le param6tre de la rang6e [110] High-Pressure Phases with Ordered Defect PbFCI Type Structures in the Systems V-P and Nb-P BY W. JEITSCHKO,* P. C. DONOHUE AND V. JOHNSON Central Research and Development Department,'~ E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, Delaware 19898, U.S.A. (Received 20 October 1975; accepted 6 November 1975) The new compounds VP1.75 and NbP1.7 were prepared from the elemental components at pressures of 35-55 kbar. They are metallic conductors and crystallize with PbFC1 type subcells. The structure of VPI.75 was determined from single-crystal counter data and refined to an R of 0.044 for 788 independent structure factors. The space group is P~m2 with a = 6-3237 (4), c = 7-2671 (7) A, Z= 8. The superstructure arises from the ordered arrangement of vacancies on the F site of the PbFCI type subcell. Some P positions were found with partial occupancies and a model for further short-range order is proposed on the basis of an analysis of the P-P bonding.