Chapter 3 36 Growth and Nitrogen Incorporation of (In)GaAsN 36 3.1 Introduction 36 3.2 MOCVD Growth of GaAsNandInGaAsN 37 3.2.1 Growth temperature and reactor pressure optimization 38 3.2.2 Effect of growth temperature, reactor pressure, and TMGa flow rate on the growth rate of GaAsN and InGaAsN 41 3.3 Effect of MOCVD growth conditions to the nitrogen incorporation • 48 3.3.1 Growth temperature and reactor pressure on N incorporation 48 3.3.2 DMHy to (DMHy + TBAs) and carrier gas on N incorporation 50 3.3.3 Effect of group V to group III molar ratio on N incorporation 52 3.4 Effect ofN content on surface roughness and growth rate 54 3.5 Summary 57 Chapter 4 59 Nitrogen Interstitials in GaAsN 59 4.1 Introduction 59 4.2 Nitrogen-Nitrogen (N-N) pairs interstitials 61 4.3 Nitrogen interstitials calculation 70 4.4 Summary 78 Chapter 5 79 Optical properties of GaAsN and InGaAsN 79 5.7 Introduction 80