Risk assessment of pesticides aims to ensure they cause no harm to humans, domestic animals or the environment. This report reviews the current position of sediment toxicity testing with potential applicability to pesticide assessment. A literature search identified relevant literature on protocols to test the effects of chemicals and in particular pesticides upon sediment dwelling freshwater and marine organisms. An assessment was made of scientific literature, previous reviews and reports from Government and industry websites. Information was obtained for oligochaete and polychaete worms, crustacea, the branchipoda (which includes Daphnia magna), copepoda, ostracoda amphipoda and isopoda, insects, molluscs and the group including sea urchins. A brief note is given on the ecology of each its tolerance of sediment type, test methods and endpoints. The report considers factors such as sediment quality and feeding of test organisms that may affect the chemical availability, quality of test water and the final interpretation of the tests. The statistical analysis of test data is also considered including the preferred use by some authors of regression based techniques with derivation of predicted low percentage effects e.g. 10% considered as nominal 'no observed effect concentrations' for use in risk assessment. It is recommended that studies should make use of all data availble in time-based assessments and that biologically/ecologically relevant endpoints should be used. Existing freshwater sediment tests recommend use of Chironomid species, oligochaetes and crustacea to cover relevant uptake and exposure routes. Existing marine tests that are ready for adoption for pesticide testing include those for several polychaete, amphipod and copepod species that allow assessment of reproduction and for some, full life-cycle tests. Bivalve mollusc species are used mostly for studies of contaminant bioaccumulation from sediments but studies with marine gastropod molluscs offer potential for a first tier of chemical assessment that includes reproduction.
KEY WORDSSediment toxicity tests, freshwater organisms, marine organisms, pesticide, oligochaetes, crustaceans, insects
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Supporting publications 2012:EN-337 2The present document has been produced and adopted by the bodies identified ab...