Buai-Buai dance is an art that originally originated from the South Coast and was brought by a community leader to the city of Padang who until now is not known whose identity is. Arriving in the city of Padang, Buai-Buai Dance has undergone many changes and the development of tampa eliminates the character of its sharp and hard movements. The purpose of writing this article is to describe the results of research on "Symbols and Meanings of Buai-Buai Dance Movements in Sanggar Singo Barantai, Padang City" with the speaker Irwandi Tan Basa, S.Sn, M.Sn as the heir and coach of Buai-Buai Dance at Sanggar Singo Barantai. This study used a descriptive method of analysis. Data collection was carried out by observation techniques, interviews, documentation, literature studies. Data from this research was collected from members of the Singo Barantai studio who are active in preserving the art of Buai-buai dance. The findings of this study reveal that the symbol and meaning of the buai-buai dance movement, namely, describes the daily life of the people around the Singo Barantai studio located in Kenagarian Pauh IX, Kuranji District, Padang City.