High and low resolution IUE spectra of V838 Her in the early outburst stages exhibit a strong absorption feature shortward of λ3130. We discuss the nature of this spectral feature and provide convincing evidence that it corresponds to the blue-shifted resonance doublet of singly-ionized 7 Be recently discovered in other novae. During the evolution of the outburst the appearance of an emission feature close to λ3130Å is also identified as 7 Be ii λ3132 because the usual identification as the O iii λ3133.7 Bowen fluorescence line is hardly compatible with both the known oxygen under-abundance in the nova ejecta and the low optical depths in the nebula due to the high outflow velocity. The average 7 Be abundance relative to hydrogen, estimated by four different methods, i.e. the 7 Be ii/Mg ii absorption ratio, and the 7 Be ii/Mg ii, 7 Be ii/He ii 1640 , and 7 Be ii/Hβ emission ratios is N(Be)/N(H) ≈ 2.5 ×10 −5 (by number), i.e. ≈ 1.7 ×10 −4 by mass. This corresponds to an overproduction of 7 Be by about 1 dex in comparison with the theoretical models of massive CO and ONe novae. Since 7 Be all converts into 7 Li, the 7 Be/H abundance implies a 7 Li/H overabundance of about 4 dex over the 7 Li/H meteoritic value and indicates a total ejected mass of 7 Li of ≈ 9.5×10 −10 M . These data are in line with previous observations and indicate that large amounts of 7 Li can be synthesized in a variety of novae, including very fast ONe novae.