Latar belakang. Hand foot and mouth desease (HFMD) adalah infeksi virus akut yang biasanya menyerang anak dibawah 10 tahun, sangat menular dan dapat menimbulkan komplikasi fatal. Tujuan. Untuk mengetahui gejala klinis, komplikasi, dan serotipe penyebab HFMD di Banjarmasin. Metode. Penelitian deskriptif, sampel diambil di poliklinik RSUD Ulin dan RS. Islam Banjarmasin periode November 2015 sampai dengan Febuari 2016 yang terdiagnosis HFMD oleh dokter spesialis anak, terdapat 23 sampel. Hasil. Dari 23 pasien secara klinis HFMD terdapat 18 (78%) positif entero virus, 71, 2 (9%) positif campak, dan 3 (13%) negatif. Umur rata rata ±20,77 bulan, laki laki 12 (52%) dan perempuan 11 (48%). Gejala klinis demam 17 (74%), rash/ lesi kulit 23 (100%), susah makan 14(61%), batuk 8(35%), pilek 9(39%), diare 5(22%), konjungtivitis 2(9%), muntah 4(17%), nyeri menelan 14(61%), dan kenjang 2(9%). Kesimpulan. Penyebab HFMD terbanyak adalah EV71, umur tesering kurang dari 3 tahun, gejala klinis terbanyak lesi kulit, demam dan tidak didapatkan komplikasi serius (intakranial). Sari Pediatri 2020;21 (5):271-5 Background. Hand foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is an acute viral infection that usually attacks children under 10 years, is highly contagious and can cause fatal complications. Objective. To find out clinical symptoms, complications, and serotypes that cause HFMD in Banjarmasin. Method. Descriptive research, samples were taken at the clinic of Ulin Regional Hospital and Hospital. Islam Banjarmasin from November 2015 to February 2016 diagnosed with HFMD by pediatricians, there were 23 samples. Results. From 23 clinically HFMD sufferers there were 18 (78%) positive Entero virus 71, 2 (9%) positive for measles and 3 (13%) results were negative. Average age ± 20.77 months, men 12 (52%) and women 11 (48%). Clinical symptoms of fever 17 (74%), rash / skin lesions 23 (100%), difficulty eating 14 (61%), cough 8 (35%), colds 9 (39%), diarrhea 5 (22%), conjunctivitis 2 (9%), vomiting 4 (17%), painful swallowing 14 (61%) and 2 (9%). Conclusion. The most common cause of HFMD is EV71, the age of testing is less than 3 years, the most clinical symptoms are skin lesions, fever and no serious complications (intracranial). Sari Pediatri 2020;21(5):271-5