“…Because depression has been associated with an attention bias towards negative stimuli, four studies used an affective version of the go/no-go task in which positively and negatively valenced words [34,47,55] and faces [34,48] were presented. Kyte et al [47] HC healthy control participants, CG clinical group, ADHD(-CT) attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (-combined type), ANX anxiety disorders, DD dysthymic disorder, OCD obsessive-compulsive disorder, ODD oppositional defiant disorder, K-SADS-PL kiddie-schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia (present and lifetime version), RCMAS revised children's manifest anxiety scale, CDI children's depression inventory, SCARED the screen for child anxiety related disorders, BDI beck depression inventory, CBCL child behaviour checklist, MFQ mood and feelings questionnaire, CDRS /CDRS-R children's depression rating scale-revised, SDQ strengths and difficulties questionnaire …”