In the context of escalating green consumerism in Indonesia, there has been a notable shift in corporate strategies towards green marketing, stimulating an increase in scholarly investigations in this domain. This study conducts a systematic literature analysis to delineate the evolution and emerging trends in green marketing research within Indonesia over the past five years (2018)(2019)(2020)(2021)(2022)(2023). A methodical examination of 38 pertinent documents, analyzed using Wordstat, forms the basis of this inquiry. Analysis is carried out based on productive countries, authors, institutions, journals, and distribution phrases. The findings reveal that Indonesia emerges as a leading nation in publishing research on this subject. Recurrent thematic phrases, each surpassing a frequency of 100 mentions, include 'Green Marketing', 'Green Products', 'Green Advertising', and 'Willingness to Pay'. Furthermore, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) emerges as a predominant methodological approach. Green purchase intention and performance are the most widely used variables. This review not only describes the current situation of green marketing research in Indonesia, but also identifies mainstream methods and thematic priorities, providing valuable insights for future academic efforts in this increasingly relevant field.