The impact of transient ischemic-hypoxemic insults on the developing fetal brain is poorly understood despite evidence suggesting an association with neurodevelopmental disorders such as schizophrenia and autism. To address this, we designed an aberrant uterine hypercontractility paradigm with oxytocin to better assess the consequences of acute, but transient, placental ischemia-hypoxemia in term pregnant rats. Using MRI imaging, we confirmed that oxytocininduced aberrant uterine hypercontractility significantly compromised uteroplacental perfusion.This was supported by the observation of oxidative stress and increased lactate concentration in the fetal brain. Genes related to oxidative stress pathways were significantly upregulated in male, but not female, offspring 1 h after oxytocin-induced placental ischemia-hypoxemia. Persistent upregulation of select mitochondrial electron transport chain complex proteins in the anterior cingulate cortex of adolescent male offspring suggested that this sex-specific effect was enduring.Functionally, offspring exposed to oxytocin-induced uterine hypercontractility showed malespecific abnormalities in social behavior with associated region-specific changes in gene expression and functional cortical connectivity. Our findings, therefore, indicate that even transient but severe placental ischemia-hypoxemia could be detrimental to the developing brain and point to a possible mitochondrial link between intrauterine asphyxia and neurodevelopmental disorders. 8.2.1; GraphPad Software Inc.), behavioral data with SYSTAT12 (Chicago, IL), and fcOISI data with MATLAB.
Study approval:All experiments reported here were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Washington University in St. Louis (#20170010) and comply with the ARRIVE guidelines.
Author contributionsAP conceived the study design, planned the experiments, and wrote the manuscript with help from all co-authors. AP, TG and JJ developed the OXT dosing paradigm and conducted the molecular biology experiments. JDQ and JRG performed the placental imaging experiments, analyzed the data, and helped draft the manuscript. SBC performed the behavioral experiments, and SEM and DFW conducted the analysis and helped with interpretation and drafting of the manuscript. AB and AQB collected, analyzed, and interpreted the fcOISI data, and helped write the manuscript.