We characterized immunoglobulin G (IgG) transport across rat alveolar epithelial cell monolayers cultured on permeable supports. Unidirectional fluxes of biotin-labeled rat IgG (biot-rIgG) were measured in the apical-to-basolateral (ab) and opposite (ba) directions as functions of [rIgG] in upstream fluids at 37 and 4°C. We explored specificity of IgG transport by measuring fluxes in the presence of excess Fc, Fab, F(abЈ)2, or chicken Ig (IgY). Expression of the IgG receptor FcRn and the effects of dexamethasone on FcRn expression and biot-rIgG fluxes were determined. Results show that ab flux of biot-rIgG is about fivefold greater than ba flux at an upstream concentration of 25 nM biot-rIgG at 37°C. Both ab and ba fluxes of rIgG saturate, resulting in net absorption with half-maximal concentration and maximal flow of 7.1 nM and 1.3 fmol ⅐ cm Ϫ2 ⅐ h Ϫ1 . At 4°C, both ab and ba fluxes significantly decrease, nearly collapsing net absorption. The presence of excess unlabeled Fc [but not Fab, F(abЈ)2, or IgY] significantly reduces biot-rIgG fluxes. RT-PCR demonstrates expression of ␣-and -subunits of rat FcRn. Northern analysis further confirms the presence of ␣-subunit of rat FcRn mRNA of ϳ1.6 kb. Dexamethasone exposure for 72 h decreases the steady-state level of mRNA for rat FcRn ␣-subunit and the ab (but not ba) flux of biot-rIgG. These data indicate that IgG transport across alveolar epithelium takes place via regulable FcRn-mediated transcytosis, which may play an important role in alveolar homeostasis in health and disease. receptor mediated; saturable transcytosis; net IgG absorption; lung defense; pulmonary immune system ALVEOLAR EPITHELIUM LINES the distal air spaces of the lung and provides high resistance to the leak of solutes and fluid from the surrounding interstitial and vascular spaces (18). Various serum proteins (e.g., albumin, transferrin, and IgG) are known to be present in alveolar fluid lining distal air spaces, although the underlying transport mechanisms that account for their presence are not well delineated (10,12,19). Alveolar protein clearance is essential for resolution of both hydrostatic and (especially) high permeability pulmonary edema. Understanding the mechanisms of alveolar protein clearance may be useful in the management of patients with alveolar pulmonary edema and in providing new insights into transpulmonary delivery of exogenous protein drugs.Proteins in the alveolar space may be cleared by endocytosis and degradation inside alveolar epithelial cells, by transcytosis across the alveolar epithelium, or by restricted diffusion through the epithelium (10,12,19,20). The relative contributions of each of these three pathways to total clearance of proteins from the air spaces are not known. Previous reports suggest the possibility of transcellular mechanism(s) [e.g., receptor-mediated or adsorptive transcytosis (24)] for transport of macromolecules across alveolar epithelium.Protein transport studies utilizing intact lung are not ideal for inferring mechanistic information bec...