Loss of the orbital stability of a double pendulum is considered in terms of Lyapunov exponents. The boundaries of the domain of stochastic motion caused by bifurcational and chaotic processes are estimated Keywords: double pendulum, bifurcation, chaos Introduction. Modern methods of qualitative analysis based on studies of Andronov, Birkhoff, Lyapunov, and Poincaré [1,[3][4][5] are developed rather intensively owing to applications in mechanics [6-10]. In the present paper, we will analyze the stochastic motions caused by bifurcational and chaotic processes in terms of Lyapunov characteristic exponents (LCEs). The general approach followed to analyze the signature of the LCE spectrum involves a system of variational equations in which the coefficients of the matrix of the right-hand side depend on a partial solution. This makes it possible to establish the existence of solutions of certain quality.In the present paper, we study the stochastic oscillations of a double pendulum. We will distinguish stochastic oscillations generated by a bifurcation process and stochastic motions generated by chaos. The boundaries of the domains will be estimated in both cases. The signature of the LCE spectrum for various cases of stochastic motions will be given after a qualitative analysis. The present study is a continuation of the paper [8] concerned with the quasiperiodic and compound motion of a double pendulum.
Preliminaries.A double pendulum is two simple pendulums connected in series. Let these pendulums be of equal length. Consider a particle A 1 of mass m 1 moving in a vertical plane along a circle of radius l 1 with center O and a particle A 2 of mass m 2 moving in a vertical plane and connected to the particle A 1 by a rigid imponderable bar of length l 2 . We will use Lagrangian coordinates: the angle x 1 between the vertical and the segment OA 1 and the angle x 3 between the vertical and the segment A A 1 2 . The kinetic and potential energies of the system are given by