A CR manifold M , with CR distribution D 10 ⊂ T C M , is called totally nondegenerate of depth µ if: (a) the complex tangent space T C M is generated by all complex vector fields that might be determined by iterated Lie brackets between at most µ fields in D 10 +D 10 ; (b) for each integer 2 ≤ k ≤ µ−1, the families of all vector fields that might be determined by iterated Lie brackets between at most k fields in D 10 + D 10 generate regular complex distributions; (c) the ranks of the distributions in (b) have the maximal values that can be obtained amongst all CR manifolds of the same CR dimension and satisfying (a) and (b) -this maximality property is the total nondegeneracy condition. In this paper, we prove that, for any Tanaka symbol m = m −µ + . . . + m −1 of a totally nondegenerate CR manifold of depth µ ≥ 4, the full Tanaka prolongation of m has trivial subspaces of degree k ≥ 1, i.e. it has the form m −µ + . . . + m −1 + g 0 . This result has various consequences. For instance it implies that any (local) CR automorphism of a regular totally nondegenerate CR manifold is uniquely determined by its first order jet at a fixed point of the manifold. It also gives a complete proof of a conjecture by Beloshapka on the group of automorphisms of homogeneous totally nondegenerate CR manifolds.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 32V05, 32V40, 22F30, 22F50, 57S25.