Purpose: To review the clinical and radiographic features of the available data published on adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT) with special emphasis on the comparison of its variants. Methods: An electronic search was undertaken in July 2018. Eligibility criteria included publications having enough clinical/radiological/histological information to confirm the diagnosis. Results: A total of 436 publications reporting 1558 cases were included, of which 739 follicular, 247 extrafollicular, and 30 peripheral AOTs. Impacted canine is associated with follicular AOTs in almost 70% of the cases. AOTs were more prevalent in females, in the second decade of life, in maxillae, in anterior region of the jaws, and most are asymptomatic, with a considerable number of lesions presenting cortical bone perforation. Most of the lesions were treated by enucleation. Some cases of recurrence were reported in the literature, but only one was well documented. No difference was found when comparing the clinical/radiological features of the follicular, extrafollicular, and peripheral variants. Conclusions: Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor variants do not show distinctive clinical radiological features. Recurrence of AOT is very rare, which justify its conservative management. K E Y W O R D S adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, clinical features, odontogenic tumors, recurrence, variants