This study aimed to describe the bilateral deficit (BLD) during the countermovement jump (CMJ) in judo athletes and determine the relationship between the BLD and judo-specific performance.Fourteen male judo athletes participated. The athletes performed tree specific judo tests: Maximal Sprint Speed Judo Test, Maximal Aerobic Speed Judo Test, Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT), and double-and single-leg CMJ. The follow CMJ variables were used: jump height JH, mean -MPO and peak -PPO power output, peak force -PF, peak velocity -PV and impulse -IMP. The Pearson's or Spearman's test were used (p<0.05). The results show that the BLD is found in all CMJ parameters (27% in JH; 20% in MPO; 22% in PPO, 61% in PF, 41% in PV and 31% in IMP). Negative correlations between first set of SJFTTT (total throws) and BLD in PF (r=-0.60; p=0.022) and between the second set of SJFTTT and BLD in MPO (r=-0.74;p=0.002), PV (r=-0.59;p=0.025) and IMP (r=-0.55; p=0.040) were found. Also, negative correlations between SJFTTT and the BLD in all CMJ parameters (r=-0.53 to -0.85;p<0.05) were found. The BLD in most CMJ variables is negatively correlated (large to very large) to the SJFTTT. So, high BLD values are related to poor SJFTTT performance.