The Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) is characterized by the triad of micrognathia, glossoptosis, and airway obstruction. Conservative management in Pierre Robin sequence consists of nasogastric tube feeding and positioning of the neonate (prone or lateral position) that facilitates the anterior position of the tongue or the application of continuous positive nasal pressure. In case of failure of this treatment, emergency tracheostomy and/or mandibular distraction must be performed.Mandibular distraction is a standard technique used by craniofacial surgeons to achieve an anteroposterior horizontal lengthening of the mandibular body, correcting the posterior position of the base of the tongue and thus retropharyngeal enlargement of the airway.The authors present 2 clinical cases of hypertrophy of the sublingual salivary glands with the use of mandibular distractors in SPR patients with severe airway obstruction.