Introduction Biceps brachii muscle belongs to the flexor group of muscles in arm. As Biceps brachii is double headed muscle. It is one of the known variable muscles of human body in terms of number and morphology.
Material and Method During routine human cadaveric dissection for the purpose of teaching medical undergraduates in our department. The upper limb of embalmed adult male cadaver was dissected as per the standard method to note the origin, insertion, and nerve supply of biceps brachii.
Results The three headed biceps brachii was found unilaterally on right side in adult male cadaver. The long and short head had normal origin, but third head originated from humerus below insertion of coracobrachialis and inserted with main muscle belly and innervated by musculocutaneus nerve.
Conclusion Variant biceps brachii may confuse a surgeon who performs procedures on the arm and may lead to iatrogenic injuries. The surgeons and traumatologists have to keep such muscular variations in mind. So the knowledge of existence of its variation is important for anaesthetists and surgeons.