Being a promising model to be deployed in resourcelimited devices, Binarized Neural Networks (BNNs) have drawn extensive attention from both academic and industry. However, comparing to the full-precision deep neural networks (DNNs), BNNs suffer from non-trivial accuracy degradation, limiting its applicability in various domains. This is partially because existing network components, such as the similarity measure, are specially designed for DNNs, and might be sub-optimal for BNNs.In this work, we focus on the key component of BNNs -the similarity measure, which quantifies the distance between input feature maps and filters, and propose an automatic searching method, based on genetic algorithm, for BNN-tailored similarity measure. Evaluation results on Cifar10 and Cifar100 using ResNet, NIN and VGG show that most of the identified similarty measure can achieve considerable accuracy improvement (up to 3.39%) over the commonly-used cross-correlation approach.