Abbreviations: ERB, equivalent rectangular bandwidth; MOC, medial olivocochlear.Running title: Efferent effect on binaural processing Verhey et al.
2ABSTRACT 1 2 Binaural notched-noise experiments indicate a reduced frequency selectivity of the 3 binaural system compared to monaural processing. The present study investigates how 4 auditory efferent activation (via the medial olivocochlear system) affects binaural 5 frequency selectivity in normal-hearing listeners. Thresholds were measured for a 1-6 kHz signal embedded in a diotic notched-noise masker for various notch widths. The 7 signal was either presented in phase (diotic) or in antiphase (dichotic), gated with the 8 noise. Stimulus duration was 25 ms, in order to avoid efferent activation due to the 9 masker or the signal. A bandpass-filtered noise precursor was presented prior to the 10 masker and signal stimuli to activate the efferent system. The silent interval between 11 the precursor and the masker-signal complex was 50 ms. For comparison, thresholds 12 for detectability of the masked signal were also measured in a baseline condition 13 without the precursor and, in addition, without the masker. On average, the results of 14 the baseline condition indicate an effectively wider binaural filter, as expected.