Tolerable dietary intake TDI Mg/kg-d Tolerable dietary intake (TDI) for Pb is equal to 0.0036 mg/kg-d (WHO, 1993). Ingestion rate IR G/n-d Presented in table 3 Exposure frequency EF Day/year 350 (EPA, 2011; EPA, 1989) Exposure duration ED Year Children = 6 years and adults = 30 years (EPA, 2011; EPA, 1989) Body weight BW Kg Children = 15 kg and adults = 70 kg (EPA, 2011; EPA, 1989) Average time exposure ATn (EF × ED) Day Children = 2,190 days and adults = 10,950 days (EPA, 2011; EPA, 1989) Concentration wet weight Cww Mg/kg.ww Concentration dry weight Cdw Mg/kg.dw Moisture M % 79 (ANZFA, 2011) Oral Reference Dose RfD Mg/kg-d Oral RfD for As (inorganic), Cd, Hg (Methyl Mercury), Mn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Fe and Zn is 0.