Background: HER2+ breast cancer is a very aggressive type of breast cancer. Although trastuzumab, specifically targeted for HER2, has been used for breast cancer treatments, some patients become resistant to trastuzumab. A marine sponge is one of the potential sources of anticancer agents. One of marine sponges commonly found in Indonesia is Stylissa carteri, but it has not been explored extensively. Objective: This study aimed to identify cytotoxic effects of the ethyl acetate fraction of Stylissa carteri on HCC-1954, HER2+ trastuzumabresistant breast cancer cells, by assessing cell viability and determining IC 50 value. Methods: This study was an experimental in vitro study conducted in The Cell Culture Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran on February 2018 to June 2018. The Stylissa carteri was collected from Pramuka Island, Kepulauan Seribu National Park Jakarta. HCC-1954 cells were treated by serial concentration of fractions and were incubated for 72 hours. Cell viability were observed under a microscope and analysed with MTT assay. The IC 50 value was also determined by using four parametric logistic regression (4PL) method by Sigmaplot version 12.0. Result: Data of this study showed descent of cell viability significantly when exposing the ethyl acetate fraction of Stylissa carteri. There was a decrease of 49% cell viability in 10 μg/ml of the ethyl acetate fraction of Stylissa carteri. The estimated IC 50 value was 9.25 μg/ml. Conclusion: This result indicated that the ethyl acetate fraction of Stylissa carteri has cytotoxic effects on HER2+ trastuzumab-resistant breast cancer cells.Latar Belakang: Kanker payudara tipe HER2+ adalah jenis yang sangat agresif. Walaupun tersedia trastuzumab yang secara spesifik mentarget HER2, sebagian pasien mengalami resistensi terhadap trastuzumab. Spons laut diketahui berpotensi baik sebagai sumber obat anti kanker. Stylissa carteri adalah salah satu spesies spons laut yang banyak ditemukan di perairan Indonesia namun belum banyak dieksplorasi potensinya. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui efek sitotoksik fraksi etil asetat Stylissa carteri terhadap sel kanker payudara HER2+ resisten trastuzumab (HCC-1954) melalui parameter viabilitas sel dan penghitungan nilai IC 50 .