This research paper introduces novel strategies to address the stability issues arising with vildagliptin, marking the first attempt to tackle this challenge comprehensively. The study incorporates malic acid into the human plasma, a crucial step in stabilizing vildagliptin and preventing its degradation. Additionally, optimization of the elution process on a C18 Asentis Express column, fine‐tuned with a combination of acetonitrile and ammonium trifluoroacetate 5mM, ensures optimal chromatographic conditions. For detection and quantification, electrospray ionization (ESI) is employed, monitoring multiple reactions for vildagliptin (304.2 → 154.2) and vildagliptin D7 (311.1 → 161.2). Meticulous validation of the method demonstrates high accuracy (97.30%–104.15%) and precision [(0.32%–3.09% coefficient of variance (CV)] for vildagliptin calibration curve standards (CC STD), establishing its sensitivity and reliability in measuring vildagliptin levels. This refined methodology offers numerous advantages, including the elimination of stability concerns, reduced human plasma sample volume (100 μL), exceptional reproducibility, shortened run time (~2.2 min), and a wide concentration range (1.00 to 851.81 ng/mL). These attributes make it exceptionally well‐suited for diverse research applications, spanning from extensive sampling in therapeutic drug monitoring units to bioequivalence and bioavailability studies, as well as pharmacokinetic investigations of vildagliptin.