Citation for published item:udzikD el nn iFpF nd fre keyD eli i nd fri ies sD i h rd qF @PHIRA 9yxyto in nd ipsteinEf rr virus X stress iom rkers in the postp rtum period mong (rstEtime mothers from £ o uloD fr zilF9D emeri n journ l of hum n iologyFD PT @IAF ppF RQESHF Further information on publisher's website:httpXGGdxFdoiForgGIHFIHHPG jh FPPRVW Publisher's copyright statement: his is the epted version of the following rti leX udzikD el nn iFpF nd fre keyD eli i nd fri ies sD i h rd qF @PHIRA 9yxyto in nd ipsteinEf rr virus X stress iom rkers in the postp rtum period mong (rstEtime mothers from £ o uloD fr zilF9D emeri n journ l of hum n iologyFD PT @IAF ppF RQESHD whi h h s een pu lished in (n l form t httpXGGdxFdoiForgGIHFIHHPG jh FPPRVWF his rti le m y e used for nonE ommer i l purposes in ord n e ith iley erms nd gonditions for selfE r hivingF
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AbstractObjectives: The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between selfreported stress levels among new mothers in São Paulo, Brazil and two biomarkers of stressful experience, oxytocin (OT) and Epstein-Barr Virus antibody level (EBV-ab), with planned pregnancy hypothesised as a moderator of biological response to stressful conditions. Methods: Sixty-three first-time mothers between the ages of 15 and 45 were recruited from neighbourhoods in São Paulo, Brazil. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected longitudinally, bi-weekly between two and 12 weeks postpartum. OT level was assessed from breast milk samples and EBV-ab from blood spot samples. An Interpersonal Satisfaction scale was developed, validated and administered, along with the Cohen Perceived Stress Scale (PSS).
Results:In-depth interview data revealed unplanned pregnancy to be a significant stressor in the lives of first-time mothers. In linear regression, OT level was negatively associated with Interpersonal Satisfaction score (p=.022) and positively associated with PSS score (p=.007). When splitting the sample by planned status of the pregnancy, women with an unplanned pregnancy showed a strengthened positive association between OT level and PSS (p=.001; Adj R 2 =0.44) and negative association with Interpersonal Satisfaction (p=.017; Adj R 2 =0.15), while no associations existed for women with a planned pregnancy. EBV-ab level was not correlated or associated with stress/satisfaction measures.
Conclusion:OT is an effective biomarker in the measurement of stress in the body, and additionally reflects differential experiences with difficul...