The results of the study (2016–2018) of the blackcurrant initial breeding material in yield, winter hardiness, resistance to powdery mildew and blackcurrant gall mite in Central Yakutia are presented. The observations were carried out in a breeding garden with a planting scheme of 2 × 1 m. Objects of the research were 90 hybrids of blackcurrant. The studied hybrid forms were divided into 5 genetic groups of different origin, obtained from intercultivar, intraspecifi c, and interspecifi c crosses of descendants of the European (Ribes nigrum ssp. Europaeum (Jancz.)) and Siberian subspecies of blackcurrant (R. nigrum ssp. Sibiricum (E.W.)), Scandinavian currants (R. nigrum ssp. scandicum Hedl.), wild currants (R. dikuscha Fisch. ex Turcz.), few-fl owered currants (R. pausifl orum Turcz. ex Pojark) and recumbent currants (R. procumbens Pall.). The most winter-hardy in the sharply continental climatic conditions of Yakutia are hybrids in the families of the Altaiskaya Late × Yakutskaya (1-2-13), Altaiskaya Late × Lucia (15-13), Podarok Kuzioru × Hara Kytalyk (1-1813, 2-2-13, 2-4-13, 2-16-13), Podarok Kuzioru × Lucia (4-9-13). Resistance to blackcurrant gall mite was shown by hybrid families Altaiskaya Late × Yakutskaya, Altaiskaya Late × Hara Kytalyk, Altaiskaya Late × Lucia, Lama × Hara Kytalyk, Nika × Hara Kytalyk, Sharovidnaya × Hara Kytalyk. American powdery mildew did not affect 78 out of 90 plants of blackcurrant. The hybrids 3-4-13 (Podarok Kuzioru × Hara Kytalyk), 5-13-13 (Sharovidnaya × Hara Kytalyk), 3-11-13, 3-13-13 (Podarok Kuzioru × Pamyati Kyndyla), 516-13, 5-17-13 (Sharovidnaya × Pamyati Kyndyla were characterized by high yields (from 12.5 to 19.4 t/ha). The forms distinguished by individual characteristics can be used in further blackcurrant breeding as sources of economically valuable traits. Hybrid forms 3-4-13 (Podarok Kuzioru × Hara Kytalyk) and 3-6-13, 3-13-13 (Podarok Kuzioru × Pamyati Kyndyla) are of interest as complex sources of high yield, resistance to powdery mildew and blackcurrant gall mite.