The aim of the research is to determine the total antioxidant activity of in vitro collection of antihepatotoxic action consisting of roots and rhizomes of Inula helenium L., grass Centaurium erythraea Rafn., flowers Tanacetum vulgare L., fruits Rosa sp., fruits of Crataegus sp. аnd its separate components by the method of colonometric titration and determination of antioxidant activity of dry extract (conditional name "Pentafite") obtained from this collection under conditions of experimental tetrachloride of carbon hepatitis in white rats. A method of chemiluminescent lipid analysis was used to evaluate the free radical oxidation of lipids in liver in test animals. It has been found that collection of antihepatotoxic action and plants included in it have antioxidant activity in vitro, at the same time synergistic effect on manifestation of total antioxidant activity of collection is revealed. Pharmacotherapy of experimental hepatitis in experimental rats by administration of Pentafite at a dose of 300 mg/kg has been found to significantly reduce the chemiluminometric values of lipids, which characterize the intensity of free radical reactions. "Pentafite" has a pronounced inhibitory effect on hyperlipoperoxidation in animal liver in case of toxic damage to it. The established antioxidant activity of collecting antihepatotoxic action and Pentafite extract may be important for their use in the treatment and prevention of hepatobiliary diseases.