Three hundred and eighty-four strains of bacteria representing the genera of the Enterobacteriaceae were examined over a wide range of biochemical, physiological, and morphological characters. The data were subjected to numerical analysis, and the resulting 33 clusters were equated as far as possible with established taxa within the Enterobacteriaceae. The clusters formed three groups. Group A corresponded to the tribe Klebsielleae and consisted of the genera Enterobacter, Klebsiella, and Serratia. The data suggest that Enterobacter and Klebsiella could be combined into a single genus, whereas Hafnia alvei should be retained in a genus separate from Enterobacter. Group B comprised the tribes Edwardsielleae, Salmonelleae, and Escherichieae. Strains of Edwardsiella species fell into two clusters, suggestive of possible biotype differences or perhaps two separate species, Many of Kauffmann's biochemical subgroup 1 salmonellae could be combined into a single species, which on grounds of priority should be designated Salmonella enteritidis (Gaertner) Castellani and Chalmers. However, there are other subgroup 1 serotypes which clearly do not belong in this species. Further study is suggested. Three species of Shigella, i.e., S. boydii. S. flexneri, and S. dysenteriae, were not separated by the analyses performed in this study. Either the three species cannot be identified on the basis of the biochemical characters employed or their identification requires considerable modification. Also included in group B were members of the genus Yersinia. Group C, representing the tribe Proteae, requires considerable revision, if a classification reflecting both molecular genetic and phenetic taxonomic relationships is to be attained.With the application of computers to the analysis of data recorded in taxonomic studies, microbial classification has, in the last 15 years, received increased attention and interest. Papers published on the application of numerical techniques to bacterial taxonomy now run into many hundreds (ll), and the majority of these have enabled considerable progress to be made in this field.One area in which the application of numerical taxonomic techniques has been lacking is in examining relationships among members of the Enterobacteriaceae. Several papers have been published in which the authors examined a wide range of bacteria, among which were included some of the enteric organisms (22,26,65). In addition, individual groups of this family have been selected for study, notably Serratia (12, 27), Erwinia (49), Salmonella (48), the tribe is, the Enterobacteriaceae appeared to be made up of a continuous spectrum of bacteria showing little evidence of generic or specific subgroupings.A larger study (4) including mainly members of the tribe Klebsielleae and reference strains of other enteric genera did show evidence of generic subgroupings. However, this study remains open to criticism because of the small number of characters recorded for each strain.One of us (R. S.) accumulated a large amount of data on the ...