1IntroductionThere has been am assive growth in the biosensor related research in the pastf ew years.I ti sp articularlyd ue to the ease for quantificationo fb iochemical processb yt he means of generated signals.N on-enzymatics ensors have attracted ag reat deal of attention due to its features such as good stability,r epeatability and sensitivity when compared to that of enzymatic sensors [1][2].S uch sensors have many practicala pplications in the clinicald iagnosis, environmental monitoring and in the food industries as well. But, the thing to be noted is that non-enzymatic sensors exclusively depend upon the electrochemical activity of transition metals and hence there may be the possibility of electrodep oisoning. Thus,t he fabrication of non-enzymatics ensor with improved performance should always be prioritized. Besides electrochemical analysis,o ther analyticalm ethodsh ave also been widely used. Chromatography [3],l iquid chromatography [4],s pectroscopy [5,6] are some of the widely used methodsf or accurate determination of oxalic acid or oxalate species content. But, the major pitfalls of sucha nalysis techniques includer elatively high cost, low sensitivitya nd inadequate selectivity when comparedt othe electrochemical sensors. [ 7].Oxalic acid (OA) is an organic compound and acts as ar educing agent. It is the end product of metabolism in an umber of plant tissues.I ft hese plantsa re eaten beyond certainl imit, it may possess an adverse effecta s oxalates bind with calcium and other minerals and hence leads to the deficiency of those important minerals which are required in the human body system. OA is normal end product of mammalian metabolism but if it gets accumulatedi nl argerq uantity then it may cause stone formation in the urinary tract [8][9][10].O xidation of phenol and its derivative which is one of the major contaminants present in waste water from industries,a lso leads to the accumulation of OA.T his compound is also knownt ob e recalcitrantt od ifferent biological and chemical treatments [11][12]. Ethylene glycol electrooxidationr eaction also leads to the formation of OA as an intermediate product [13].H ence,i ts electrocatalytic oxidation has gained quite an attention in the fields of electrochemical sensor for variousp urposes such as in the formulationo f well-balanced diet, managemento ff ood qualities [ 14] and also in ethyleneg lycol fuelc ells [13].It is well-known that gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are ag ood electro-catalytic material and widely used in vari-Abstract:I nt his study, ananohybrid of gold nanoparticle, polypyrrole,a nd reduced graphene oxide (AuNP/PPy/ rGO) was preparedb ya ni n-situ chemical synthesisa pproach.T he as-preparedn anohybrid has been applied for non-enzymatice lectrochemical detection of oxalic acid (OA). Then anohybrid nanocomposite material( AuNP/ PPy/rGO) was characterized by field emissions canning electronm icroscopy (FE-SEM), X-ray diffraction( XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopya nd cyclic voltammetry (CV), and further emplo...