Abstract. Sugarcane bagasse is one of agro-industrial residues containing low nutrient content and difficult to be digested by animals. However, it can be recycled to produce value-added product such as protein-enriched animal feed by application feed technology such as ammoniation and fermentation. The purposes of these experiments were to evaluate the quality and in vitro digestibility of sugarcane bagasse by using two steps feed technology process: ammoniation and continued by fermentation process. Two studies were conducted in these experiments. The first study was to determine the quality of amoniated sugarcane bagasse after incubation at room temperature at different days (0, 7, 14, 21, 28 days) and the second study was to determine in vitro degestibility of ammoniated sugarcane bagasse fermented by using the various levels of sago flour (0%, 5%, 10% and 15% from sample total) and kept at room temperature for 21 day in an-aerobic condition. Parameters measured in this study were DM, CP, CF, pH, OM, IVDMD (in vitro dry matter digestibility), IVOMD (in vitro organic matter digestibility). The model used for the statistical analysis was completely randomized design (CRD). The results of the first study indicated that length of incubation was not significantly affect (P>0.05) on crude fiber content but had significant effect (P<0.05) on crude protein content but only for control treatment. For the second study concluded that administration of the various levels of sago flour into ammoniated sugarcane bagasse fermented with T.harzianum significantly influenced (P<0.05) on OM, IVDMD and IVOMD but had not significantly effect on pH value. The results of the study indicated that application 10% of soluble carbohydrate from sago flour was recommended for fermentation process based on the results of in vitro and fermented feed quality studies.Key Words: ammoniation, fermentation, sugarcane bagasse, quality feed, in vitro Abstrak. Ampas tebu adalah salah satu hasil produksi limbah industri pertanian dengan kandungan nutrisi dan daya cerna yang rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kualitas dan daya cerna secara in vitro ampas tebu dengan menerapkan teknologi pakan: amoniasi yang dilanjutkan dengan proses fermentasi. Dua percobaan dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Percobaan pertama adalah menentukan kualitas dari ampas tebu yang telah diamoniasi dan difermentasi dengan lama pemeraman yang berbeda (0,7,14,21 dan 28 hari). Sementara penelitian kedua adalah penentuan daya cerna in vitro dari amapas tebu yang telah diamoniasi dan difermentasi selama 21 hari secara an-aerob dengan level karbohidrat terlarut (tepung sagu) yang berbeda (0%, 5%, 10% dan 15% dari total sampel). Parameter yang diukur dalam penelitian ini adalah kandungan bahan kering, protein kasar, serat kasar, pH, kecernaan bahan kering dan organik secara in vitro. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Hasil dari penelitian pertama menunjukan bahwa lama inkubasi tidak berpengaruh (P>0,05) terh...