In the context of the development of bio-refineries, glycerol and its derivatives are coproducts of the oleochemistry for which new valorization routes must be found. In this study, the polymerizability of divinylglycol (DVG), a symmetrical C-6 glycerol derivative which bears a vicinal diol and two vinyl functions was studied. The reactivity of the hydroxyl and vinyl functions of DVG through polycondensation and polyaddition reactions was investigated. In a first step, the synthesis of polyesters was carried out by reaction of DVG with various biosourced diesters. In a second route, DVG was polymerized through its vinyl functions by ADMET and thiol-ene addition. Finally, three-dimensional epoxy-amine networks were prepared from a series of diamines and bis-epoxidized DVG, the latter being prepared by oxidation of the DVG double bonds. These different polymerization reactions showed that DVG double bonds were more reactive than the alcohol ones and that a panel of original polymers could be obtained from this bio-sourced synthon.
IntroductionPolymers are ubiquitous in our daily lives; the automotive, packaging, health and textile sectors, to name just a few of them, are meaningful. With the depletion of fossil resources and environmental concerns, the search for more sustainable solutions is becoming a necessity. Since the beginning of the 21st century, bio-sourced chemistry has been widely expending with the valorization of biomass, which is an abundant source of carbon structures. 1 In this regard, the concept of a biorefinery was created with the objective of producing feed, food, fuels and molecule platforms for industry. 2 Vegetable oils are the second renewable resource used after ligno-cellulosic biomass. 3 Vegetable oils are inexpensive, non-toxic and have a large potential as precursors of bio-based polymers. These oils are composed of triglycerides, which after reaction with an alcohol, water or a base will produce three molecules of fatty acids (or fatty esters) and a molecule of glycerol. Fatty acids are widely studied as precursors of thermoplastic or thermosetting polymers. 4,5 Glycerol is a simple, non-toxic and versatile molecule that provides access to a wide range of high-value bio-based molecules. 6 Recently, Len and coll. developed an eco-responsible synthesis of divinylglycol (DVG). 7 Divinylglycol (DVG) also called 1,5-hexadiene-3,4-diol is a symmetrical C-6 monomer which bears a vicinal diol and two vinyl functions. It can be synthesized from mannitol 8-10 or tartaric acid, 11 but this requires protection/deprotection steps and a rather low yield is obtained (20 to 52%). A third route to synthesize DVG is possible by a pinacol coupling of acrolein with a yield of 90% (Scheme 1). 12,13 Acrolein can be synthesized from glycerol but this molecule is toxic; Len and coll. then proposed a direct synthesis of DVG from glycerol. 7