Ever-increasing crude oil prices across the globe coupled with high cost and sustainability concerns attached to hydro power generation led to exploring new avenues for switching to alternate/renewable energy than ever before. The present study sheds light on the prospect of promoting cow dung as an alternative source of energy with respect to tiny mountainous state Tripura and its role on socioeconomic development. Available literature provides the impression that energy from cow dung can be produced from biogas or by burning the dried dung to a power steam engine. The state has been blessed with cow dung across its rural centers, which are primarily used as bio-manures for agriculture and adjoining sectors. Centralized mobilization of these resources for energy generation have already paid rich dividends for states like Tamilnadu, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, and other parts of India. This study examines the viability and challenges associated with power generation from cow dung for Tripura and presents a case for its adoption.