Ambient air particulate matter less than 2.5 m in aerodynamic diameter (PM 2.5 ) samples were collected during summer and autumn using a Staplex high-volume air sampler. They were later extracted with dichloromethane in a Soxhlet apparatus. Polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) content in extracts was determined by the high-performance liquid chromatography technique using fluorescence detection, whereas the nitro-PAH content was determined by gas chromatography using mass detection. Four Salmonella typhimurium strains (TA98, TA100, YG1041, and YG1042) were used in assays conducted with and without metabolic activation. The extracts were also tested with the SOS chromotest supplied by Environmental Biodetection Products Incorporated. The obtained results confirmed the Salmonella assay and the SOS chromotest usability for the purpose of atmospheric pollution monitoring within an urban agglomeration. The atmospheric pollution extracts under examination differed among each other regarding total content and percentage of individual compounds, depending on the season of sampling. The highest total PAH content and the highest nitro-PAH content in the tested samples as well as the most extensive range of detected compounds were found in the autumn season (heating season). The highest mutagenicity was noted for PM 2.5 samples collected in autumn. The high values of mutagenicity ratios and induction factors were obtained from assays carried out with and without metabolic activation, which is an argument for the presence of promutagens and direct mutagens. The YG1041 strain proved to be the most effective in detection of mutagenicity of the suspended dust extracts because of its notably high sensitivity to nitro-aromatic compounds. The SOS chromotest was very sensitive to a large spectrum of genotoxic air pollutants and showed a high degree of similarity with the results of the Salmonella assay. In comparison with the frequently used Ames test, the SOS chromotest enables quick analysis of the genotoxic effects of samples using only one tester strain. In addition, its miniaturized design decreases the consumption of tested samples.