There is no direct geologic record of the level of free oxygen in the atmosphere over Earth history. Indirect proxy records have led to a canonical view of atmospheric pO 2 , according to which the atmosphere has passed through three stages. During the first of these periods, corresponding roughly to the Archean eon, pO 2 was less than 0.001% present atmospheric levels (PAL). Oxygen levels rose abruptly around 2.4 billion years ago, a transition referred to as the "Great Oxidation Event" (GOE). This event marks the beginning of the second phase in the history of oxygen, corresponding roughly to the Proterozoic eon, during which pO 2 was in the range of 1% to 10% PAL. Between the latest Neoproterozoic and the early Phanerozoic eon, oxygen rose again, beginning the final stage in the history of oxygen, characterized by essentially modern levels of pO 2 .The processes governing this evolution of the atmosphere are poorly understood. The biogeochemical cycles of redox-sensitive species in the ocean and atmosphere, including oxygen, carbon, iron, and sulfur, must somehow stabilize pO 2 on billion-year time scales, much longer than the residence time of the individual species, and yet also allow pO 2 to achieve equilibrium at widely divergent levels at di↵erent points in time. Only with a clear understanding of these steady-state processes can we understand how pO 2 will respond to the changes in biogeochemical cycling that may have driven the two major oxidation events.In this thesis we use a model of biogeochemical cycling and laboratory experiments to exiii plore the processes that stabilize pO 2 at di↵erent levels over Earth history. We find that a suite of negative feedbacks, including the oxygen-sensitivity of organic carbon burial, allow the stability of oxygen at modern levels. These feedbacks leave pO 2 very insensitive to most aspects of the biogeochemical system, such that stable, Proterozoic levels of pO 2 can only be explained by a smaller supply of phosphorus to the biosphere at that time. Experimental results show that inorganic scavenging processes, which compete with biology for phosphorus, may be more e↵ective in low-oxygen environments due to di↵erences in iron-redox cycling.We explore redox dynamics in the Archean by coupling our biogeochemical model to a hydrogen escape calculation that incorporates the e↵ects of changing oxygen levels on thermosphere composition and temperature. We find that the Archean was characterized by several di↵erent steady states of oxygen, each corresponding to a di↵erent stage in the evolution of life. Furthermore, interactions between the cycles of carbon, oxygen, iron and calcium give rise to a previously unrecognized positive feedback. Our model results show that this feedback allows Archean pO 2 to increase rapidly to a new steady state at Proterozoic levels, given a large enough perturbation. The high levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide following a Snowball Earth glacial event do act as such a trigger in our simulations, providing a hypothesis for the appa...