Rot hams ted Ex p e r i rn e n ta I Station Inrgcly coricciitrntcd piirticulnrly in tlic Unitcd Stiitcs on tlic scrircli for orgcinic su1)stitutcs. 'l'lic problcni liiis proved 1)cculiiirly intrnct:il)lc, in tlirit tlicrc I i n w I)ccn divcrgcricics, 1)ct~vccii tlic Inhonitory niid field results, e.g., rotciioiic wis fouiitl Iiiglily tosic to tlic codling moth liirv:c iindcr liiborntory conditions, but too niistn1)lc in strong suirlight to cscrcisc nil cconoinic control i n tlic field. Of tlic ninny hundreds of syiitlictic coinpounds tcstcd ILY stoiiincli poisoas, plienotliinzinc (tliiotliphciiglniiiiiic) hns iirouscd tlic greatest interest. L. E. Smitli3 rcports cxpcriniciita wIiicIi sliow that it is spccific in its nction to insects, soiiic bcing highly rcsistnnt nnd otlicrs s~sceli-tiblc. Tlic codling moth lnrvii is oiic of tho siisccptiblu insects. Stccr iiiid IIiissiiii4 linvc sliown it givcs IL control of plum-sawfly inferior to tlint of tlcrris but bctter tlinn lend nrsciintc. Tlicrc is sonic cvidcncc tlint ik tosicity in sonic CIISCS is iiot cntircly duo .to stonincli cll'cctu. Wliile iuidcr ccrtiiiii cliiiiiitic coiiilitioiis it givcs good control of codling iiiotli, i t is cusily \\~ashctl olT wlicn subjected to henvy rniii. I~spcrimcnts nru being n~~i t l c to rcnicdy this dcfcct by tlic iiicorporntion of nil iippropdatc sticltcr. In Austriilin~ it lins bccii found to blnckcn iqioii tlic trcc, no oxidlition efYect wliicli is not rcmctlietl by tlic incorponitioii of aritiosidiints. Attenipb arc bcing mndc to prcpitrc similiir compoiiiids that do iiot sliow this unfortunittc property. 'I'Iicro iirc ccrtiiiii coiiipittibiIity difticuItics wIicii used in iiiisctl sprnys.*" Pl~c~iotliiiiaiiio is it potent poison ngtiinst mosqiiito liirvw. h i intorcstiiig obscrviitioii \ V L~N iniitlo in 10% by linipliiig'