Immunocytochemicaldetection of vimentin class of filament proteins except for keratin is reported in ductal segments of rodent submandibular glands (SMGs) and compared to stainabilities of different ductal systems; intercalated duct (ICD), granular convoluted tubule (GCT), striated duct (SD) and excretory duct (ED), and in the major salivary glands; parotid (PG), submandibular (SMG) and sublingual glands (SLG). Filament proteins; vimentin, desmin, filamin, actin and myosin were examined by immunocytochemical technique. Vimentin characteristically was confined to the GCT cells of hamster SMGs, and was distributed in luminal surface of the SD cells of guinea pigs, where it was negative in the SMGs of rats and mice, but positive in SLG duct cells. Vimentin was also positive in the ICD cells of hamster SLG.Desmin was slightly positive in the duct cells of hamsters, and intensely positive in luminal side of the SD cells of SMG and PG in guinea pigs, and of SLG in rats. Trace amounts of desmin were also noted in the GCT cells of mice and rats. Filamin was strongly positive in smooth muscles of blood vessels and trace or slightly positive in ductal cells from all the specimens.Actin was also strongly evident in smooth muscles, and slightly reactive to hamsters GCT cells, guinea pigs, and rats ductal cells and was negative in mice. Myosin was slightly positive in the GCT cells of hamsters and in the SD cells of guinea pig.