Introduction: Fat tissue accumulation provokes several metabolic disorders, which may be attenuated by dietetic modulation and physical exercise. Objective: The effects of hypercaloric/hyperlipidic diets with additional baru extract associated to aerobic exercise on adipocytes from different regions as well as on hepatic triglycerides (TGL hep )of Wistar rats were evaluated. Methods: The animals, except for the control ones (Nuvilab ® diet: 3.48kcal/g), were fed with a chocolate-based diet (4.17 kcal/g) during 2 months in order to induce obesity. The animals were then distributed into 6 groups, according to the introduction of baru extract diet as well as to swimming training: Sedentary Control (SC); Trained Control (TC); Sedentary Baru (SB); Trained Baru (TB); Sedentary Chocolate (SCho) and Trained Chocolate (TCho). The trained animals were subjected to swimming exercise supporting overload equivalent to 2% of body weight, during 8 weeks, 5x/week, and 1h/day. At the end, the animals were killed and the TGL hep content was determined. The retroperitoneal (RET), inguinal (IN), and omental (OM) fat tissues were excised, weighted, and submitted to adipocyte area evaluation. Results:The hypercaloric diet increased both body weight and cell areas of RET if compared to the control diet (P<0.05). The physical training decreased the OM (TCho: 6370.91 ± 7776.13 < SCho: 7341.28 ± 2.24 µm2) and IN (TCho: 5147.49 ± 5712.71 < SCho: 7083.11±7682.40 µm2) cell areas of chocolate group as well as IN cell areas of TC