resources may become inherent to a cropping system, if the system is to be sustainable.Cropping systems will not be sustainable without change. Broad-One problem associated with cropping systems is how scope problems associated with developing sustainable cropping systems are how to choose and sequence crops in cropping systems. Our to choose and sequence crops to develop the inherent objectives were twofold: (i) evaluate impacts of crop sequencing on internal resources of the system while taking advantage precipitation use and (ii) show how crop sequencing can accentuate of external resources such as weather, markets, governsynergistic interactions among crops. Crop-fallow systems that develment programs, and new technology (Tanaka et al., 2002). oped in the Great Plains resulted in precipitation storage efficiencies To better understand and appreciate cropping systems of about 20% in the early 1930s to about 40% in the late 1980s. and the crops used in them, we must consider the evolu-Integrated crop-livestock systems have been developed in the southern tion that crops and cropping systems have gone through. Great Plains to take advantage of bimodal annual precipitation pat-Our goal is to stimulate researchers to think at the systern to produce high quality pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] tems level when conceptualizing and developing intenforage during the noncrop period between winter wheat (Triticum sive-diverse cropping systems. Our objectives were twoaestivum L.) harvest and seeding. Pigeonpea can be grown after a mid-June winter wheat harvest since pigeonpea uses precipitation received fold: (i) evaluate the impact of crop sequencing on use from wheat harvest to late September and pigeonpea has a root system of precipitation and (ii) show how crop sequencing can that allows it to use soil water below the effective rooting depth of accentuate synergistic interactions among crops in the wheat. In the central Great Plains, water-use efficiency of winter Great Plains.wheat was improved 18 to 56% by including broadleaf crop in a grassbased rotation. Cropping systems in the northern Great Plains tend to be more diverse, and research at Mandan, ND, suggests that seed growth through evapotranspiration, approached 75% for continuous annual cropping systems compared with Published in Agron. J. 97:385-390 (2005). less than 45% for winter wheat-fallow system (Farahani