Comparison of two serologically distinct ribonucleic acid bacteriophages. I. Properties of the viral particle. J. Bacteriol. 91:442-448. 1966.-Two ribonucleic acid (RNA) coliphages, MS-2 and Qf, have been characterized physically and serologically. MS-2 has an S20. , value of 79, a molecular weight of 3.6 X 1G6, a density of 1.422, and pH 3.9 as its isoelectric point.Q,B has an S20, of 84, a molecular weight of 4.2 X lot, a density of 1.439, and an isoelectric point at pH 5.3. One host (Escherichia coli A-19) permits a distinction between the two on the basis of a marked difference in plaque size. They are distinct immunochemically, no serological cross-reaction being detectable.