Recent immunohistochemical data have shown that invasive prostate cancer cells are separated from the host tissue by basement membranes (BM), and express associated adhesive molecules that bind to these de novo synthesized extracellular matrices.
In the present study, we used in situ hybridization techniques to determine steady‐state levels of genes coding BM components (α1 chain of collagen IV, laminin β1 chain, and S‐laminin) in prostate tissue obtained from 15 radical prostatectomy specimens and 5 lymph node metastases of common prostatic adenocarcinomas.
In benign prostate tissue, transcripts of these genes were detected predominantly in the basal cell layer, indicating that components of epithelial BMs are synthesized by basal cells and not bey stromal cells. The cancerous lesions investigated revealed increasing collagen IV, laminin β1 chain, and S‐laminin mRNA levels when compared with benign prostate tissue. The highest steady‐state levels were found in high grade (primary Gleason grade 4 and 5) carcinoma and lymph node metastases, and were predominantly localized in epithelial compartments of the cancerous tissue.
These findings indicate that neoplastic BM in prostatic adenocarcinoma derive from tumor cells and not from the host tissue. Increasing transcriptional activities of genes coding BM components detected in poorly differentiated and metastatic lesions may accelerate the BM‐forming process, which probably contributes to the ability of tumor cells to penetrate the extracellular matrix during the process of stromal invasion and metastasis. Prostate 36:143–150, 1998. © 1998 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.